Chasing greatness

When signing up for the kids’ school year, parents start to wonder many things: Who will take care of my son/daughter? Will she be ok living away from home? Will she/he be happy? Will he/she improve the game?

But most important of all, they ask us, Will he/she have a good experience?

Every child is different, they all have their preferences, their needs, what they like, and what they don’t like and in tennis, they all have a unique game. They all have been taught the game of tennis but, some of them have never been taught the passion and the love for it. You will argue with me saying “you can not teach that” you’re wrong. It is true that children come to love tennis the more they play, the more they compete, and the more motivated they are. Usually, when they arrive, they are already tennis lovers and since it is a demanding sport in all aspects of the game technical, tactical, physical, and mental they have to learn how to find the joy in the sport and keep the passion in order not to burn out as some athletes do.

But how do we do that? How do we keep the children’s passion and love for this sport?
We have asked some of our athletes about it and here are their answers:
“In the Emilio Sanchez Academy, they taught me how to keep fighting and that there will always be one extra ball or one extra match to do better.”
“The coaches here have taught me the importance of self-value, of knowing my worth, and becoming the best I can become.”
“I have learned many things during my stay at the academy. I believe the individual treatment on the court made me feel valued, and for that my game is my best strength because I am confident.”
“I love tennis, I have always been very interested in the sport but after training many hours thanks to the coaches and staff, I was able to find the purpose of the sport.”
“I am a very shy person and when I step on the court, I take out the fire inside me to bring everything I got, I become a different person and for that I love it.”
“ This academy made me realize not only how much I love this sport but what it brings you, all the experiences, moments & friendships that I have made all along the journey.”
After hearing what some of our athletes had to say, we strongly believe in the consistency of the pathway that in our academy we are developing for young athletes. During their school year, the annual student-athletes have a tough schedule where they are required to perform at their best on the tennis court but also in the classroom. In our own ES American private school, the teachers are the masters of education of our student-athletes, they are the ones who help them academically, and who guide them through their pathway.
We understand the word student-athlete and the difficulties it is to become one, it is not an easy task to be always at the top of both, and for that we have developed our annual program, to give those young athletes the opportunity to become a student-athlete in an amazing facility that helps them, trains them, and guides them to become their best version in the classroom and on the court. There are many ups and downs in the athlete’s way and for that, we have the most experienced team among us to tutor each individual kid in their own groups to be able to assist them in a personal way.
Student-athlete is a word that combines two fields, academic, and sport. Being a student-athlete doesn’t mean your life is easier or with more benefits, you also struggle. During the school year, our students have to feel at home, they have to be comfortable in the environment that they are in and most importantly they have to strive. Our academy believes in the integration of all of our athletes on the tennis court, of all of our students in the classroom, and of all of our children in life. We want to give the best of ourselves, so our students can become the best learners and the best tennis players. No matter what their goals are, we are together to follow a pathway to help them become successful.
Why is so important for us to build character?
According to Google, the character is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” So why on an individual? In our academy, we are a small family who together can bring up the best in each other. Each student is different and, each athlete is different. Some athletes have better forehands, some have a better mindset and some have an overall better game but, our purpose is to bring each individual talent to rise, and work on each skill that the athlete has to make it better. Sometimes it takes sacrifices from the athletes to perform at their highest each and every day but, as the saying, hard work pays off.
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In the classroom or at the court, each student-athlete and, next to our academy coaches, teachers, and staff members, your children will be able to follow their goals and have a successful pathway.
Marketing department of ES Florida
Tatina Batalla & Silvia Guitart

“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”

     Earth Day

“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”

In honor of Sam Bencheghib ( Emilio Sanchez Barcelona alumni)

Today is international earth day. But, what is earth day to you? Earth is the day where we celebrate our environment, the place we live in, and most importantly our planet. Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd but it is not a one-day celebration for our students, it is more than that. Earth is the home to humans, animals, and all living beings. Our communities, our resources, our homes, and our people are on this earth, and for that we are thankful. On this special date, we all should give a moment to appreciate and be grateful for what this planet is giving us. Protecting this planet should be one of our main purposes, protecting our home.

But, with that being said, are we doing enough to protect our homes and our environments? Think about how much you have done this year to help this planet. Caring about our environment is not something easy but it is a motivation that our students have for a better future, for their wellbeing, for their homes, and for the planet. Awareness is what drives our students to create projects, community service actions, and communication news to help with the protection of our planet because everyone should jump in on the idea that there is no planet B. Collaboration is the one thing that can make a change in this world. Our students collaborate on several projects during their scholar year where they get to plan out different activities to help our environment, something small that we like to call the “Go Green” project; This project involves the participation of all the students in a series of tasks such as recycling the tennis balls after they don’t have a use anymore, having a group clean up and recycling the campus garbage after our events, reusing books from student to a student after their use, adding a garden in our campus to take care of the new plants and harvest, creating social media images and content to influence others to join among other individual actions that they do during their day to day activities.


On this day, we also celebrate and support the big efforts of our ES Barcelona alumni Sam Bencheghib. Next to his team, he has created a unique movement called ” Make a change in the world” that creates awareness around the world for people to join them during their actions of saving the planet. His biggest movement is the Ocean to Ocean expedition where he ran 23 miles a day from NYC to LA on a mission to raise awareness about the growing problem of plastic pollution in our oceans. Next to this fantastic expedition his team and him have been on several missions such as the plastic bottle citarum where they took a kayak made of recycled plastic bottles and crossed the world’s most polluted river to document and raise awareness about the toxic chemicals and the mass of plastic floating on the river’s surface. During a conference call, Sam mentioned the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and awareness. He spoke about the importance of finding your pathway and, most importantly creating your own footsteps to help the planet because it is never too late to contribute in any little action to help.Captura de pantalla 2022-04-20 a las 16.42.03
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Thanks to his and his team’s actions, our students have taken a part in helping the world with their own actions. With future actions to come, we are fully focused on our mission to add our grand of sand to create a change in this world. All our efforts are going to secure a future on this beautiful planet that we call our home. It is never too late to save the planet, and most importantly no matter how big or crazy your action is, you can also change the world.

Marketing department of ES Florida

Ana Batalla & Silvia Guitart


Motivation is the key to success.

Motivation is the key to success. And, in sport, the coach is the main motivator, and together with his/her personality, conviction, goals and motivational techniques are essential for the development of success and behaviors of the players.

Motivation plays a fundamental role in the learning of skills in sports practice, and therefore, it is necessary for a good coach to develop a philosophy that allows him to grow in his profession. The decision of a coach is very important since one of the main objectives is to help and make others grow. Therefore, the coach has to know himself/herself and establish a series of objectives to achieve a constant path.

ICI coaching courses will allow those passionate about the world of tennis and training, to develop the personal qualities necessary to get to be at the top; Discipline, dedication, desire to work, interest in individuals, honesty, dignity, and respect. In addition, to learn technical and practical knowledge, ability to plan a good training and communication skills. The importance of professional training is of great significance for the future of tennis in all aspects. Due to the evolution of recent years, the role that a coach must play requires constant development, preparation, and training adequately.

What better than having the opportunity to be part of the ICI, International Coaches Courses, a methodology based on the ES Academy system, which prepares coaches to develop their profession in high-performance tennis.

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During the ICI Coaching courses a coach learns from the initiation level of players all the way to the elite level of players with our 4 pillars of the game:

  • During the initiation level, what players focus on more is placing themselves on the court, meaning working a lot on the technical pillar to carry out a task. During this stage, the coach has to be enthusiastic with the player, he/she has to show the players how to place themselves on the court by following the chain of drills from the Spanish tennis teaching method to be able to know how to hold the racket, hit it with the proper movement, hit it on the adequate impact point and go through enough repetitions to create the correct habit. During this stage, the physical also is key by giving importance to the movement around the court, how to place yourself at the correct spot to hit the ball, and how to recover and accelerate after every shot. The coach will learn how to manage the practice time to use the 4 pillars for this stage.
  • During the formation level, we advance to focus more on the tactical pillar in the player’s mind to organize and develop by working on life balls from the Spanish tennis teaching system to help the player rally with other players to understand the patterns of play. During this time, the player will also work in more advanced drills that will help him/her receive the ball, hit the ball at the correct point to place it wherever he/she desires, and other drills that work on the technical part of his/her game. The strengths and weaknesses of the player will start to appear involving the mental pillar as a tool for the player. The coach will learn how to manage the practice time and the court time to use each one of the 4 pillars.
  • During the advanced level, the combination of the 4 pillars has to help the player become the best version of himself/herself. During this stage, the player is already into competition matches, and he/she has learned the love and hate vocabulary concepts of the game. This stage is crucial to be able to escalate or move backward on the pyramid of development of the player. The player, at a young age, thanks to the Spanish tennis teaching system set of drills will learn how to use his/her strengths and improve his/her weaknesses to be able to win more matches and improve. The physical and mental pillars will be key in developing the player’s body to escalate to the elite level and also develop his/her brain to perform well on the court as well as off-court.
  • During the elite level, the technical part of the game is either at a perfect level or with little change. The tactical part of the game will be to use the strengths of the players against other players’ weaknesses to be successful during the matches. The physical pillar is key in maintaining a healthy and strong body to keep up with all the hard work on the court and be able to recover afterward. The mental is key in this stage as it is the brain the one who will be determinant of winning the match or losing it. Traveling, environment, friendships, family, and other factors increase importance during this stage. The player has to understand how to manage all the pillars in the best way possible to become the best player in the world and be successful.

For that reason, we have developed 4 ICI coaching courses according to our pyramid of development. The courses are organized in a progressive way to be able to take all the courses in 5 days. Starting on May 27th-29th the ICI level 1 competitive coaching course takes place, followed by the ICI level 2 Pro coaching course from May 29th-31st, and lastly the ICI doubles level will be done in a daily course on June 1st. Our last course is the ICI college coaching course which will be offered in our winter edition of courses.

So coaches, come to the beautiful city of Naples in Florida to learn from our system to improve your training and get ideas to help your players in the best way you can!

More info + sign up for the courses:










Marketing department of ES Florida

Ana Batalla & Silvia Guitart

World tennis day

Today is world tennis day, our student-athletes will celebrate it playing tennis. They do celebrate it every day playing tennis.

They play tennis every day and enjoy the sport like the first day. It is funny that is worlds tennis day because for most of our athlete tennis is their world. They have so much love for the sport that they decide to come here for the whole year to dedicate themselves to this sport. Our athletes play between 3-4 hours a day.
During their day, they get to play tennis, go to fitness to work on their body, go to school, and on the weekends play tournaments. Their school is dedicated to achieving success in academics and, it is well adapted with their tennis life being a priority for our athletes. During the year, our athletes work on being away from home living with a group of friends from different places and cultures. They come to understand the term hard work on court as they give everything during practices. When they go to school, they have to keep up with all the academic growth they need for their development. All this hard work is shown with our weekend tournaments. During the weekends, our athletes play tournaments to gain ranking, compete, and get better with their game. These tournaments are the key to their development, they have to perform their best to become better and, learn from their defeats.

But, we are not only a tennis and school academy, but we are also more than that. We teach our athletes how to be independent, we teach them how to make important decisions, we teach them our principles of respect, effort, and discipline and most importantly we teach them to develop their character. During their stay here, our athletes will grow in academics, sports, and life. We are giving the junior athletes an opportunity to become better through sport and to get them ready for the next step of their careers as being either professional athletes, going to the best US Universities, becoming the next entrepreneur, or whatever our student-athletes wish to become.
During the year-round program, our juniors become student-athletes at the ES Academy and we are the ones responsible for their development so for that we design a plan. We usually divide the student-athletes into different categories depending on their age and tennis level once they come, after divided we create our tutories program. The tutories program is a group of athletes placed within their same level that will stay like that for the rest of the semester, each group is around 6 athletes with 1 coach responsible. The coach designs a tournament calendar with his/her group that fits the needs of all the athletes from that group. He/She also works with the school to check up on the schedule of each one of his/her group of players. During practices, the athletes will be placed with their group at the morning sessions to work on the specific things that the coach designed for them. During the semester, the coach will be the guide of the athlete’s development and will also be a support during the academic, physical, and mental pillars as well as when off-court times. This process will stay recorded in their semester reports where the parents will also play a key role in their awareness of the progress of their child. They will be the ones seeing all of the work that has been done and will be able to talk with their tutor/coach to comment on further steps.
As you can see our world tennis day is not about one day only, but about tennis being our world. Our passion is a vehicle that our student-athletes use to have growth and success.

Marketing department of ES Florida

Tatiana Batalla & Silvia Guitart

Emilio Sanchez Anual Program

From cupid, with love

What would be the first thing you would ask someone you were about to leave your child with? 

The most important concept you would ask them would be for love. Feeling loved, protected, and secure is one of the basic needs of every human being. The love and care that a child needs for his development are key factors in his/her learning process. Love contributes to helping the student’s mental well-being, makes them physically healthier, increases the student’s brain development and memory, creates a stronger bond between the tutor and child and it makes your the student less fearful and more world round.  Secondly, the family. The family plays a fundamental role in the development of children, it is the first place where we learn to develop as individuals, thanks to the interaction between family members we form our character and values.

For these two factors, the ES Academy helps your children feel at home, building a family place environment where they have instilled our values of love, respect, commitment, peace, honesty, tolerance, family among others. Our student-athletes are our priority; we like to be aware of them and get to create the necessary confidence for them to consider us as their family. In addition, we like to create a special bond between our students with each other, we love when they help each other out and develop bonds and friendships that last a lifetime.

There is no better feeling than the trust of families to choose us as responsible for their children’s development during this important stage of their lives, we are grateful to be part of it, and to be able to offer them year after year, this love they need when you, the parents, are far away from them.

This year the ES Academy wants to send their love to all those families around the world. We want to remind you that we are there for you and your children and, that we will continue building our family next to yours.

From our ES Academy,  we love your family, you are to us a group of friends so fine, we want to say how much we care, so we send this Valentine. 
Have a fabulous Valentine’s Day! 


Sanchez-Casal Anual Program


Pato Álvarez, Colombian coach, passed away at the age of 87. Considered the legend that changed Spanish tennis, one of the most influential coaches in this discipline.

William Alvarez, also known as “El Pantera” leaves a great legacy in the history of tennis, as his philosophy was different from others. He managed to create his own training system that took him to the top as a coach, and that, to this day, former tennis player and current coach Emilio Sanchez is using his philosophy in an updated way as a reference in his trainings. This system made Pato the technical director of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation, and the most innovative coach of the 80s and 90s. When players like Sergio, Emilio and others came to his group of young players and saw his ability to convince, they decided to hire him privately and walked together until they finished their careers.

Other Spanish tennis players such as Julian Alonso, Joan Albert Viloca, Joan Balsells, Javier Sanchez Vicario, Jordi Burillo, Tomas Carbonell, Pato Clavet, Jose Higueras, Javier Soler, Angel Gimenez were part of his coaching career. Who consider that, without any doubt, his perseverance, his dedication, his personality, his illusion and confidence are a reference and an example to follow for everyone. He was the first to use the drills to teach, a system that today is used all over the world. Those drills consisted of crumbled moves and repeated an infinite number of times until the player internalized them. In addition, he created the culture of the professional, arriving first at the club and leaving last, making his players some of the most professional in the world.

Likewise, his legacy also reached international players through the Academy. Giller Muller, Murray and Dimitrov were already training at the facility, and he collaborated with them. He got them to go through his revolutionary training system, who today, are still in the TOP ranking.

We want to say goodbye to the most important coach in the history of Spanish tennis, the one who achieved success and trained world-renowned professional athletes.

“In respect of his legacy that will last forever in the history of sport, his values and teachings will live among us, Coach Pato”.


National coaches day shouldn’t be a one day thing

By Tatiana Batalla, Marketing department of ES Academy, Florida 

On National coaches day, coaches from around the world are appreciated by all their athletes, institutions, and countries. But what do you think about it? Go back in time, when you were a young player, wearing oversized tennis shirts a backward hat grinding on the court every day. You were playing intense and long matches, traveling away from home, and staying at random hotels. When do you think about these situations, who was next to you? Your coach. At that moment you just saw him/her as your coach.

2017 BNP Paribas Open

A person who would watch your matches and talk to you afterward to give you tips or some advice on how to become better for your next match. Maybe at that moment, you didn’t see that person as anything else than just your coach. But, think about it, now that you are older and probably see things from a different perspective. Do you see that person only as your coach? That person who you called your coach that was next to you probably woke up at least 2 hours prior than you, he/she created a game plan, prepared the practice sessions, booked the courts, figured out your transportation, figured out who you were going to hit with, your tournament schedule, the meals, the budget for the tournament, talked to your parents, prepared a good speech and went to pick up your rackets. All before you woke up, I am probably forgetting about half of the things he/she did prior to your match. How about during the practice year? What you saw your coach doing was working 2-3 hours during the practice sessions, feeding you balls during the drills, organizing a good match play, making corrections, and giving you a recap of how the practice went. What you didn’t see is that your coach prior to that practice session, he/she had to go to the gym to stretch to be able to hit with you at the highest level possible, he stayed up most of the night to watch youtube videos and visited practice sites to learn more skills on how to help you become a better player, he came to the practice courts to change the balls from the basket, prepared cones and other materials for the session, created a set of goals for you to achieve during the practice, brought a tripod to record the session to analyze it later on, and even went outside of his comfort zone to create a mental plan for the on-court session that suited your personality and the type of player you are. After practice, he/she spent extra time talking to you to work on that extra step, he/she went to stretch with you, talked to the physiotherapist to let them know about any types of recoveries needed or any injury preventions for you. Have you thought about what role they play in your development? Probably your coach/tutor talked to the school to see how you were doing, created a tournament schedule for you that adapted your goals and needs, created different types of services available for you that helped your development. That coach stayed up for tournaments that finished at 1 am, he/she probably dealt with your emotions, he/she remained calmed and found a solution when you didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, that coach probably worked for an entire week without days off not visiting his/her family to put you as a priority. That same coach you once screamed to and told him/her you didn’t need him/her next to you when you had a moment of anger you paid the blame on him/her saying your development wasn’t good enough, that coach who you disrespected at some point because you were unhappy about a result in your match. That coach probably did his/her best to be able to help you improve, become better and achieve big things. If after reading this you realize there is someone like that in your life then, we both agree that the national coach day shouldn’t be a one-day thing, because if the work never stops, the appreciation shouldn’t either.

To show you a little more about what we mean we have asked some of our coaches what are the unique characteristics they see in a special player they like to coach: “Her sweet and hardworking character makes me want to do an extra step”  “His precision on the court will always give me a reason for being as precise” “The teamwork character he has shows me how much he wants it” “The way of resolving and wanting to improve is unique at her age” “Her willingness to strive, her love for the sport” “She will always give her best without regrets” “The respect was built by him before I would enter the court” “He never ignored the lost matches, he appreciated them even more” “She takes me out of the comfort zone every time, and believe me I never thought anyone younger than me would teach me so many things.”

Come become a great coach learning next to our wonderful and successful group of professionals who will teach you how to become the best at what you do and succeed with your athletes!



Mexico group


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Marketing department of ASC Florida

Tatiana Batalla & Ivette Nieto






Hey mom, they have a foosball table at the tennis camp!

By Zachary Duboulay, ASC Alumni from ASC Florida

It’s summertime! It is the time of the year when I look forward to meeting my friends, so I can spend time together and enjoy the summer weather. During this time my parents are always working, which means they don’t have much time to spend with me or my siblings. To fix the problem, my parents often look for programs that are fun and engaging to keep us busy and active. It was then that they came across the Sanchez-Casal academy in Florida. When we contacted them, the ASC Florida Summer Camp offered us a variety of programs to meet my parents’ needs as well as mine. When I first walked into ASC, I immediately realized that this is the place I wanted to be for the summer. The cozy atmosphere is spread all throughout the place with things like a game room with television, a ping pong table, a football table, a bean bag toss game, and much more. They also have a swimming pool, two gyms, and an immense amount of tennis courts! I was surprised, the first thing I saw were the summer campers who had already arrived with the academy staff preparing an activity so that we all could meet each other and participate as a team in a fun game. Before the activity, one of the coaches gave me a tour of the academy and assured me that I would have a great time balancing fun games with tennis training and physical exercise. And believe me, I was not disappointed.

At first, my parents and I were not very sure about which program would be right for me. However, we soon realized that ASC Florida has a program for every age and level, and therefore, all children can live the experience and improve their game. I realized that the ASC summer camp has children of all ages and nationalities, which created a very diverse environment for me. The youngest group that the academy offers starts at the age of 5, it is called the “campito”. This group of summer campers is placed in the initiation level and they are looking for opportunities to have fun with their group of friends while playing tennis. The next group is the “pre-academy” group, which consists of those players who are a bit older and those who range between campito and advanced group based on the level. Then there is the junior summer camp, which is where I enrolled, with accommodations to be able to enjoy the full experience of the summer camp and dorm in the academy. I realized that there really is a program that adapts to the needs of the campers while respecting their tennis level.

Another highlight of the summer program that I really liked is that the coaches at the academy are not only excellent coaches, but they are also unique role models. ASC coaches are very experienced on court, but outside of it as well, by demonstrating and teaching us the values of life. During the ASC summer camps, the coaches are in charge of making our stay here pleasant, carry out the tennis training sessions and control the exercises together with the team of fitness trainers in the afternoons. They also organize activities on campus and off-campus for us to have fun and enjoy team games. Something that I also wanted to point out is that recently, ASC has implemented “hydro tennis” in the summer program, which consists of physical exercises in the pool to take advantage of the resistance underwater. I really enjoyed this because it helped me improve my muscle mobility, and refresh my mind and body in the water after working hard in the Florida heat. Additionally, ASC provides a mental activity, which helps reflect on the progress and understand the strengths and weaknesses, and teaches different athletic strategies. The combination of hydro tennis and mental on one afternoon is very helpful and effective for my mind-body development.

The camp has undoubtedly been a complete experience for me, the friendships I have made in a week, the work I have developed in my game thanks to the training, and all the experience have made me want to stay here longer. I think this place is special and familiar so please if you can convince my parents to let me stay one more week I would be the happiest person.


Zachary Duboulay

ASC Alumni from ASC Florida


On to the next chapter

By Tatiana Batalla and Ivette Nieto, Marketing department of ASC Florida 

As the ASC senior student-athletes prepare themselves for the graduation date, our ASC academy prepares to say goodbye to 10 of our seniors. They are ready for the next stage of their lives, some of them have already committed to US Universities to continue with their education career and compete at the highest level in top Division 1 & 2 schools. During their last month of school, they are taking their AP exams, they are studying for their finals, and receiving their last SAT scores. On the tennis side, their last month of practice is getting tougher, they are getting ready for a college season, team competition, and lots of tournaments.


During their journey, they have learned what it is to become a student-athlete at ASC. Being a student-athlete means growing as a person, overcoming the different challenges, and leaving one hometown to enter a full boarding academy where they have to be organized, find solutions for their daily problems, and learn how to live with different people from different countries. During their stay, they find their comfort circle of friends, create connections with their tutors, and find a good environment around the facilities. In the beginning, they see this place as a big and unknown place, they come without friends, and some of them without having a fluent dialogue in the common English language. Step by step they start to develop relationships, they start to explore their surroundings and they work hard to achieve a better place on the tennis court. After a while, they adapt to the schedule, they get to know the facility and the staff, they open their mind to their new and second home.

Our academy provides a home away from home for all the student-athletes that join our full-time program. We hear from our alumni words that describe us as a family, but, what makes ASC a family? We have asked many athletes this question because we want to know why they chose Sanchez-Casal over any other place. We have gotten answers such as our way to care for our student-athletes, our way of being there for them, our way of paying attention to their needs, of making them grow in an individualistic way, helping them achieve their goals, and interests and, finding a way of success in becoming their best version. Our academy is made to give opportunities to our student-athletes in their fields. During their time here, our mission is to help the student-athletes build character and we only succeed if our student-athletes succeed.

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During the junior and senior years, they choose the next step of their life. Most of our athletes want to pursue the college pathway, some of them will start with a college pathway while they are transitioning to the pro stage. Some of our student-athletes want to move towards an academic pathway and chose to go to prestigious academic schools to become great in their dream job. These last years will determine their needs based on the goals they want to achieve. Next to us, they will develop the right abilities and skills that will lead them towards their pathway.

More than a goodbye is a see you later to all of our seniors because one can never forget their second home. Once in their pathway, we always keep a place for them to keep growing next to us and learning from what we do best, teach, inspire, educate, motivate, connect, help, lead. Each year we see our alumni come back to succeed, and we couldn’t be prouder.

During the journey at ASC, they will develop many skills, they will learn how to become independent and most importantly they will learn values such as respect, effort, and discipline. So, if you are thinking about the future of your children, let them discover their own pathway next to us and let them come to ASC to be part of something great.




Sanchez-Casal Anual Program












Tatiana Batalla and Ivette Nieto

Marketing department of ASC Florida