Back to school

Dear student,
I know this is a difficult time, you have just made the decision to spend a year with us, studying, training and competing, I’m sure you are nervous, but be very calm.
Discover Elementary Education at ES American School

At ES American School, located at the heart of the Emilio Sanchez Academy in Barcelona, we provide an exceptional international education from 1st grade through 12 th grade. We are proud to present our new elementary school video, which highlights our unique educational values and methods, narrated by our students, who are the real protagonists.

As the academic year draws to a close, we at the Emilio Sanchez Academy are filled with pride and joy as we prepare to celebrate the graduation of our ten remarkable senior student-athletes this Friday. This ceremony marks not only the culmination of their hard work and dedication but also the beginning of exciting new chapters in their lives.
What are Mondays like?

We get these questions with a high frequency; Parents want to know what we do at the academy and their kids are unaware of what it is like to be at our annual Tennis+School program. So, let’s go together and walk along a Monday in our student-athlete’s life so you can read and understand what it looks like.
5 Goals 5 Successes 5 Accomplishments 5 Futures

By Antonio Chavez representative speaker for the class of 2023 graduates.
“Your accomplishments inspire me, and I am excited about what lies ahead for each of you. May you carry the lessons, friendships, and memories from our academy as you step into the next chapter of your lives.” – Congratulations class of 2023!
All wrapped up

This Christmas and winter break we want to wish all the junior athletes the best of luck in their tennis, in their education, and in their life. Remind them that they are all unique and important and to take life as a journey where they get to learn many different things that will help them become the best version of themselves. Our doors will always be open to growing together as student-athletes.
It all starts with them

It all starts with them, at such a young age the families of our student-athletes decide to join the academy. The time of their stay at the Emilio Sanchez Academy goes by so fast, and for a young athlete is not easy. This blog is different than the rest, this blog is about us, our […]
Look Mom! I Made It!

Graduation is quite the show at Emilio Sanchez American School. Joy. Tears. Dancing. And of course, the wonderful food! Soon our Senior Class of 2022 will be walking onto the stage receiving their diplomas and off of the stage into their bright futures. Furthermore, it is a celebration of their great efforts and growth throughout their journey as students, athletes, and humans. When the audience is seated and the air is full of anticipation of a magical evening, our academic principal Dr. Pamela Brisson and the director of the academy Emilio Sanchez start the proceedings with their kind words. Then it is time for the stars of the evening. Starting with the Salutatorian (second highest high school GPA among the seniors) followed by the remainder of the seniors and finally, the Valedictorian (highest high school GPA of the graduating class), each one of the seniors recites their heartfelt speeches. Their gratitude and love for their “home away from home” is evident in every word. At least a tear is almost certainly shed… To reap the fruits of their labors, each senior is awarded their diploma and a ceremonial moving of the tassels on their caps takes place to formally mark the start of a new chapter in their lives.
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”

Earth Day
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”
In honor of Sam Bencheghib ( Emilio Sanchez Barcelona alumni)
Today is international earth day. But, what is earth day to you? Earth is the day where we celebrate our environment, the place we live in, and most importantly our planet. Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd but it is not a one-day celebration for our students, it is more than that. Earth is the home to humans, animals, and all living beings. Our communities, our resources, our homes, and our people are on this earth, and for that we are thankful. On this special date, we all should give a moment to appreciate and be grateful for what this planet is giving us. Protecting this planet should be one of our main purposes, protecting our home.
From cupid, with love