es american school

Discover Elementary Education at ES American School

At ES American School, located at the heart of the Emilio Sanchez Academy in Barcelona, we provide an exceptional international education from 1st grade through 12 th grade. We are proud to present our new elementary school video, which highlights our unique educational values and methods, narrated by our students, who are the real protagonists.

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Chasing greatness

Why is so important for us to build character?
According to Google, the character is defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” So why on an individual? In our academy, we are a small family who together can bring up the best in each other. Each student is different and, each athlete is different. Some athletes have better forehands, some have a better mindset and some have an overall better game but, our purpose is to bring each individual talent to rise, and work on each skill that the athlete has to make it better. Sometimes it takes sacrifices from the athletes to perform at their highest each and every day but, as the saying, hard work pays off.

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