By Emilio Sanchez, CEO and Founder of the Academia Sanchez-Casal.
When you get to know coach Lucas you realize his ability, his vision, and his mind. His attention to details is above the ordinary; watching him distribute the 60 academy students and coordinate the coaches to fully implement the 360 system everyday is a true spectacle.
Lucas has ASC in his blood. He was an alumni, competed at the highest level, went to college and earned his Masters. When we opened in Florida he fought for his place at the academy until he joined us again.
Since joining ASC in 2012 he has participated in our various programs: after school, adult programs, academy, and traveling teams. Now as the director of the Academy he leads with experience and ability, making all the difference.
For me, having him as a right hand is both a confort and motivation because I know he always presents the best version of himself.
The success of ASC comes from our values: EFFORT, RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, and all of those who exemplify those values. Whether they are alumni, students, or coaches, they come away from the academy an embodiment of those values, like Lucas. In this interview he demonstrates that. It is an honor to me and and an immense pride to hear him talking about ASC.
Emilio Sanchez
CEO and Co-Founder of the Academia Sanchez-Casal
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Allistair McCaw says:
Great guy Lucas is. Always happy to send and recommend people to ASC! Keep up the great work Emilio, Sergio and the team!
Eva Pascual says:
Thank you very much for your comment and your confidence!