By Rogelio de Haro, Tournament Director, Sánchez-Casal Academy, Florida.
December is an exciting and active time for junior tennis players all around the globe. The Academia Sanchez-Casal is proud to join the ranks of Eddie Herr, Little Mo and The Orangebowl by introducing a brand new International Junior tennis tournament (U14, U13, U12, U11). Registration is now open for the inaugural Sanchez-Casal International Winter Junior Cup, which will take place December 7-10, 2017 in beautiful Naples, Florida.
As tournament director, I would like to share with you our inspiration for this event, and tell you about some of the things we have planned to make this a memorable experience.
Casper Fernandez was a top student here at ASC for 4 years. After a courageous battle with cancer, Casper passed away in July, 2017 at the age of 16. This tournament is dedicated to him, to honor the memory of this gifted young athlete and truly exceptional human being. We all loved him, and are motivated to be better because of his Courage-Attitude-Smile and the many other values he demonstrated with ease.
As a UTR event, this tournament will enable competitors to accumulate points towards the players universal rating. Universal Tennis Rating is an international system that measures the skill of all tennis players, including juniors, college players, and professionals. This rating is used to determine seeding in tournaments and admissions to colleges. Playing in UTR matches is essential to every young person who hopes to build their future in tennis as it is a springboard to college tennis and beyond.
All participants will get a chance to play in at least 5 matches. During the 4-day event we also make sure that each person has the opportunity to enjoy the warmth and beauty that makes Naples a luxury winter destination for millions of people every year. Planned events include a poolside barbecue, sunset cruise, and a special farewell dinner. Also included are workshops led by Emilio Sanchez Vicario (topics covered will include nutrition, fitness, mental preparation and college placement). For all the information you will need, please visit the tournament site: http://juniorcup.asc-florida.com
The dedicated website lists all the important information regarding venue, registration, rules and regulations, accommodations and special events surrounding the action packed 4 days.
Academia Sanchez-Casal will be offering pre-tournament camps at special rates for all registered players on December 4, 5 & 6, 2017. Players can choose to register in a daily basis including half-day options. Please contact florida@sanchez-casal.com for detailed information and how to sign-up.
Registration is open until November 30, 2017. See you in December!
Rogelio de Haro
Tournament Director, Sánchez-Casal Academy, Florida.
Roderick Taylor says:
Please send me more information especially prices of boarding school.
Eva Pascual says:
Of course, Roderick. We will contact you by email. Thank you very much for your interest.