

Everything that happens has a reason: some people call it ‘destiny’, others ‘energy’, some people call it ‘luck’, and others, ‘bad luck’. I think I’m fortunate to live life how I choose. I carry with me my principles and values, and I am that way partly thanks to my parents, thanks to the education they provided me, some key people that became role models in my life but mainly thanks to tennis, which shaped my character and made me resilient to adversity.


Every athlete wants to achieve good results, but we have to be aware that good results don’t automatically happen because we spend hours and hours training on court, in fitness or in mental training. Inspiring young athletes to give their best effort is both the coach and the parents’ responsibility.


I would love to win a Grand Slam

My best victory so far was the ASC Women’s Open semifinal against Kayla Day

“I would love to win a Grand Slam”

“My best victory so far was the ASC Women’s Open semifinal against Kayla Day”

16-year old player Claire Liu won the first series of the $25,000 Academia Sanchez-Casal Women’s Pro-circuit Open, the Svetlana Kuznetsova Cup. Liu, who came from the qualies, played 12 matches during 8 days and made it victoriously to the final, beating the two-time NCAA Singles Title Champion Danielle Rose Collins.


“Where’s the ice-cream machine that used to be here?”, was one of the pressing questions posed by world number one Sir Andy Murray when he came to visit his old training grounds at ASC in Barcelona. In town to play the Godó Open, Sir Andy Murray came to our Barcelona campus for a ceremony dedicating court number one in his honor.

#20 Successful Habits Of Overcoming Adversity

The past months have been very hard. With the school year beginning shortly, appeared to be promising year. The kids arrived back to school excited about setting and accomplishing new goals, objectives and dreams. There was a healthy and renovated vibe here at ESIS and ASC.
However, things changed suddenly when one of the early traveling teams (competition groups) traveled to the Caribbean to compete in some tournaments and get some ITF points. Competing in these tournaments allows players to play during the rest of the year at the ITF tournaments, as well as receive excellent options of being considered by college coaches.

Game, Set, Fight=Cure

To a teacher, the children in his or her classroom are not just students; they are a part of their family. Whenever you hear a teacher telling stories about their day, the students are always referred to as “my kids.” That is what teaching will do to a person; it grows your heart bigger and bigger with every passing day. I have had Casper Fernandez in my classes here at ES International School for two years, and just as with any teenager, he has frustrated and exhausted me, but most important, he has made me proud to be his teacher. The word “cancer” has the ability to cut through the heart of any person. But when the diagnosis is for a teenager with so much ambition and potential, it cuts even deeper.

Can I Spend my Summer Break on the Court Please?

Mom, you know this year I made loads of effort, and got really good marks at school – even in Math, which you know I find really difficult! My teachers are really proud of me. I want to ask you if this summer, apart from spending time with you and my friends, I can do something special and go somewhere new. A place where I can make new friends from around the world, play tennis (which I love!) and practice my English – you’re always saying how important that is!


I’m writing from the terrace of the players’ lounge at the Indian Wells event. Fernando just finished his match, and it was a tough loss. Fernando couldn’t handle adversity the way I was hoping he could. We had practiced these types of situations a little, but these practices haven’t become a habit yet. He has to be more resilient. It won’t be easy, but I love challenges – the more difficult the better.


Tennis is a very demanding sport mentally, requiring strong focus, maximum attention, and motivation for a long period of time. However, it is also a noble and generous sport because it allows you to overcome adverse situations and rectify problems in the middle of a match. Our mind is our most powerful tool to achieve it.