Daniel Caverzaschi, a role model

Daniel Caverzaschi was born on July 11, 1993, with a malformation in his right leg. He is a role model. A national and world reference in the world of tennis. His ability has allowed him to achieve personal and sports success.
In the Emilio Sanchez Academy, we are fortunate to have him as a part of our academy, a part of our identity, a player who is next to us. We are lucky to see him improve every day, and we consider him an example for young people to follow. On Wednesday, June 15th we had the opportunity to listen to him, he talked in front of families and ES students who were graduating from the senior class of 2022. Daniel told us his story, making it a story full of motivation and overcoming daily challenges.
Look Mom! I Made It!

Graduation is quite the show at Emilio Sanchez American School. Joy. Tears. Dancing. And of course, the wonderful food! Soon our Senior Class of 2022 will be walking onto the stage receiving their diplomas and off of the stage into their bright futures. Furthermore, it is a celebration of their great efforts and growth throughout their journey as students, athletes, and humans. When the audience is seated and the air is full of anticipation of a magical evening, our academic principal Dr. Pamela Brisson and the director of the academy Emilio Sanchez start the proceedings with their kind words. Then it is time for the stars of the evening. Starting with the Salutatorian (second highest high school GPA among the seniors) followed by the remainder of the seniors and finally, the Valedictorian (highest high school GPA of the graduating class), each one of the seniors recites their heartfelt speeches. Their gratitude and love for their “home away from home” is evident in every word. At least a tear is almost certainly shed… To reap the fruits of their labors, each senior is awarded their diploma and a ceremonial moving of the tassels on their caps takes place to formally mark the start of a new chapter in their lives.
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”

Earth Day
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”
In honor of Sam Bencheghib ( Emilio Sanchez Barcelona alumni)
Today is international earth day. But, what is earth day to you? Earth is the day where we celebrate our environment, the place we live in, and most importantly our planet. Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd but it is not a one-day celebration for our students, it is more than that. Earth is the home to humans, animals, and all living beings. Our communities, our resources, our homes, and our people are on this earth, and for that we are thankful. On this special date, we all should give a moment to appreciate and be grateful for what this planet is giving us. Protecting this planet should be one of our main purposes, protecting our home.
World tennis day

Today is world tennis day, our student-athletes will celebrate it playing tennis. They do celebrate it every day playing tennis.
They play tennis every day and enjoy the sport like the first day. It is funny that is worlds tennis day because for most of our athlete tennis is their world. They have so much love for the sport that they decide to come here for the whole year to dedicate themselves to this sport. Our athletes play between 3-4 hours a day.
Developing an Eye for Detail

Being a creative, critical thinker is one of our Core Values at ESIS, and developing this side of ourselves is integral in every classroom. These skills are important for problem solving as well as reading and writing, and attention to detail is paramount in being successful in any undertaking. This semester in Middle School, Mr. Gaudin was inspired to share his love for photography and the joy that being creative with a camera can bring.

At Sánchez-Casal Academy, we do love to welcome our former students. Many of them visit us, especially during summer, and come to enjoy what was their second home for a while. The academy becomes a meeting point for former colleagues, who now live far from each other, but who take advantage of their holiday to meet again on the court. They also visit us to train, to keep fit or to improve aspects of their game with their former coaches.
Marc Feliu and Diego Herrera, from Class of 2018, visited us this summer and shared their time and experiences with us.
After 5 months of uncertainty, June of 2020 started with brightness. All of our academies were open, our main objective was to protect our community. To be able to guarantee the health and wellness of our big ASC family, we adapted our spaces, protocols, groups and we faced the summer with the motivation of welcoming our summer students. Also the new scholar year 2020-2021 starts with big challenges and we want to share with you, with a new video, how do we face them.
ESIS Students Excel on AP Exams

Scholar-athletes at ES International School-Naples taking Advanced Placement exams this year performed at very high levels, in several classes beating their peers across the world.
Letter to our Class of 2020, by Jennifer Ferrara

You are the class of 2020 and we are now all separated and isolated and in countries far flung and near. We are living a moment in history that your children and grandchildren will read about in text books. You are on the cusp of adulthood in a time that now more than ever needs leaders, creative thinkers, scientists, artists, activists, etc. You are the people who need to face what will be left as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic – the economic and political ramifications that will be with us for a very long time.

Sam Bencheghib is an ESIS / ASC Class of 2015 Alumni but he is also an environmental activist who just completed an ocean to ocean, six month, 3,000+ miles run across the United States, from NYC to LA, in order to raise awareness about plastic pollution in the oceans.
Sam wrote to us at ASC and ESIS this week with an update on his journey. I recommend you take a moment and live the experience that Sam has dedicated himself to over the past six months. They are worth the minutes of your time!