“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”

Earth Day
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”
In honor of Sam Bencheghib ( Emilio Sanchez Barcelona alumni)
Today is international earth day. But, what is earth day to you? Earth is the day where we celebrate our environment, the place we live in, and most importantly our planet. Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd but it is not a one-day celebration for our students, it is more than that. Earth is the home to humans, animals, and all living beings. Our communities, our resources, our homes, and our people are on this earth, and for that we are thankful. On this special date, we all should give a moment to appreciate and be grateful for what this planet is giving us. Protecting this planet should be one of our main purposes, protecting our home.
World tennis day

Today is world tennis day, our student-athletes will celebrate it playing tennis. They do celebrate it every day playing tennis.
They play tennis every day and enjoy the sport like the first day. It is funny that is worlds tennis day because for most of our athlete tennis is their world. They have so much love for the sport that they decide to come here for the whole year to dedicate themselves to this sport. Our athletes play between 3-4 hours a day.
From cupid, with love

From our ES Academy, we love your family, you are to us a group of friends so fine, we want to say how much we care, so we send this Valentine.
Have a fabulous Valentine’s Day!
National coaches day shouldn’t be a one day thing

On National coaches day, coaches from around the world are appreciated by all their athletes, institutions, and countries. But what do you think about it? Go back in time, when you were a young player, wearing oversized tennis shirts a backward hat grinding on the court every day. You were playing intense and long matches, traveling away from home, and staying at random hotels. When do you think about these situations, who was next to you? Your coach. At that moment you just saw him/her as your coach.
On to the next chapter

As the ASC senior student-athletes prepare themselves for the graduation date, our ASC academy prepares to say goodbye to 10 of our seniors. They are ready for the next stage of their lives, some of them have already committed to US Universities to continue with their education career and compete at the highest level in top Division 1 & 2 schools. During their last month of school, they are taking their AP exams, they are studying for their finals, and receiving their last SAT scores. On the tennis side, their last month of practice is getting tougher, they are getting ready for a college season, team competition, and lots of tournaments.
When they talk about the greatest coach, make sure it’s you

In Sanchez-Casal, a coach is not only the one who feeds drills, and corrects the player’s game. The coach is the tutor, the one with the power on his/her hands to develop the game of the player. A coach is a person who is responsible for a group of players, the one that creates a connection with those players that make them feel secure. When you watch tennis TV don’t you see the player looking for the blithers after a point to make eye contact communication with his/her coach that nobody understands but them? Well, that is the connection I am talking about. The coach has to know the player’s needs, he/she has to know when to push the player and when to engage with the right motivation.
Letter to our Class of 2020, by Jennifer Ferrara

You are the class of 2020 and we are now all separated and isolated and in countries far flung and near. We are living a moment in history that your children and grandchildren will read about in text books. You are on the cusp of adulthood in a time that now more than ever needs leaders, creative thinkers, scientists, artists, activists, etc. You are the people who need to face what will be left as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic – the economic and political ramifications that will be with us for a very long time.
Fitness, one pillar of the ASC 360 Performance System

Fitness in tennis represents a very strong and important pillar on the players preparation; a well designed physical plan can be the key factor for a successful match result. At ASC daily physical training is composed of 1 hour of athlete-specific performance training; working on different aspects including: speed, power, agility, quickness, coordination, balance, and core.
How Tennis and School helped me open opportunities on my next step in life

As the Class of 2019 prepares to graduate from ASC/ ESIS, a wide variety of opportunities await them in life, most immediately at colleges and universities throughout the United States. The 13 seniors, comprising the largest Academy class from Naples to graduate thus far, have accepted offers from some of the finest academic and athletic programs in the nation, among them Tufts University, Michigan State University and Brigham Young University.
Words From our ASC Senior Student-Athletes

There are only a few weeks for the long-awaited graduation of our students-athletes at ASC Florida, we wanted to interview our senior students and know their stories of how they got to Sanchez-Casal, what their expectations are in this new university stage, and their advice for young people who seek to balance tennis with their studies; they told us how all the effort was worth it in the end after so many years of sacrifice and hard work. Clara March, Aleksandra Caricir, and Casey Cummings of the Sanchez-Casal Florida Academy.