Earth Day
“No idea is crazy enough to change the world”
In honor of Sam Bencheghib ( Emilio Sanchez Barcelona alumni)
Today is international earth day. But, what is earth day to you? Earth is the day where we celebrate our environment, the place we live in, and most importantly our planet. Earth day is celebrated on April 22nd but it is not a one-day celebration for our students, it is more than that. Earth is the home to humans, animals, and all living beings. Our communities, our resources, our homes, and our people are on this earth, and for that we are thankful. On this special date, we all should give a moment to appreciate and be grateful for what this planet is giving us. Protecting this planet should be one of our main purposes, protecting our home.
But, with that being said, are we doing enough to protect our homes and our environments? Think about how much you have done this year to help this planet. Caring about our environment is not something easy but it is a motivation that our students have for a better future, for their wellbeing, for their homes, and for the planet. Awareness is what drives our students to create projects, community service actions, and communication news to help with the protection of our planet because everyone should jump in on the idea that there is no planet B. Collaboration is the one thing that can make a change in this world. Our students collaborate on several projects during their scholar year where they get to plan out different activities to help our environment, something small that we like to call the “Go Green” project; This project involves the participation of all the students in a series of tasks such as recycling the tennis balls after they don’t have a use anymore, having a group clean up and recycling the campus garbage after our events, reusing books from student to a student after their use, adding a garden in our campus to take care of the new plants and harvest, creating social media images and content to influence others to join among other individual actions that they do during their day to day activities.
On this day, we also celebrate and support the big efforts of our ES Barcelona alumni Sam Bencheghib. Next to his team, he has created a unique movement called ” Make a change in the world” that creates awareness around the world for people to join them during their actions of saving the planet. His biggest movement is the Ocean to Ocean expedition where he ran 23 miles a day from NYC to LA on a mission to raise awareness about the growing problem of plastic pollution in our oceans. Next to this fantastic expedition his team and him have been on several missions such as the plastic bottle citarum where they took a kayak made of recycled plastic bottles and crossed the world’s most polluted river to document and raise awareness about the toxic chemicals and the mass of plastic floating on the river’s surface. During a conference call, Sam mentioned the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and awareness. He spoke about the importance of finding your pathway and, most importantly creating your own footsteps to help the planet because it is never too late to contribute in any little action to help.
Thanks to his and his team’s actions, our students have taken a part in helping the world with their own actions. With future actions to come, we are fully focused on our mission to add our grand of sand to create a change in this world. All our efforts are going to secure a future on this beautiful planet that we call our home. It is never too late to save the planet, and most importantly no matter how big or crazy your action is, you can also change the world.
Marketing department of ES Florida
Ana Batalla & Silvia Guitart