By Tatiana Batalla and Ivette Nieto, Marketing Department ASC Florida

Today is the international women’s day, a date that commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on equal terms with men, in society and in their full development as a person. It was not until the French Revolution, where women marched towards Versailles, together with men, in a claim of social equality under the motto “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité“.  Years later, in Spain, as of March 8, 1910, women acceded to Higher Education on equal terms as men “Equally enrollment of students“.  In 1994,  the taste of victory was finally given to the women’s movement, when the United States proclaimed March 8 as the  “International Women’s Day in the United States”.

Meanwhile, in the world of sports, women still struggled due to the lack of recognition. There was clearly lower media coverage and gender stereotypes; as a result, raising barriers and making harder for women to gain a place in the world of sports.

Sport is not something for women, the body becomes masculine when exercising, women are less capable, etc.

And then, women’s achievements proved they were wrong. When Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to cross the English Channel by swimming in 1926. Katherine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon, and Simone Biles, aged 19, who suffered from Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperactivity, won four gold medals and one bronze in artistic gymnastics.

Women play less sets and attract less audience

Today we celebrate all the women who made history and helped us enjoy sports as we do today: Althea Gibson was the first black tennis player to win a match in the English Tournament in 1951. In 1970 [9] women started the WTA circuit paving the road to women in professional tennis. In 1973 the US Open announced they would equally distribute their prize money between men and women, inspiring other Grand Slams tournaments to do the same. In 1990, the English Charlotte Cooper made history by being the first professional tennis player and 90s Olympic champion.

Andy Murray and John McEnroe explained the reason for having a female coach “It is not about if it’s male or female. It’s about knowing what you are doing, and she knows everything about tennis”.

The path of women’s professional tennis was strongly marked by Arantxa Sanchez, winner of 3 Roland Garros and 1 US Open, the first Spanish women to become number one in the world in February of 1995. She became the women’s inspiration and the image to follow at all times. In the 80’s and 90’s, Arantxa made tennis girls realize that sports is not only a men’s thing, and that women also have the right and the opportunity to be professional sport players. “The youngest of Sanchez Vicario has the desire to fight “, “She never gives up”, “The queen of women’s tennis”.

Today, women represent an important factor in the sports industry. According to Nielsen Sports, a survey across eight key markets around the world (US, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Australia and New Zealand) found that 84% of sports fans are interested in women’s sport (Nielsen Sports, 2019). In 2019, Nike launched the motivational commercial “Dream Crazier” where Serena Williams, champion of 23 Grand Slams, invites women to feel proud of their madness and promotes the equal treatment for male and female players.

In honor of women’s sports, in honor of equal treatment between men and women; to all female role models like Arantxa Sanchez  who made a difference. In honor of the daily  improvement of women in the world of effort, values and opportunities. In Sanchez-Casal we have a girls’ competition group inspired to change women’s vision, break walls and become the best version of themselves and to have a succesfull future in a world full of opportunities.

Tatiana Batalla and Ivette Nieto
Marketing department ASC Florida

Sanchez-Casal Anual Program

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