Motivation is the key to success.
Motivation is the key to success. And, in sport, the coach is the main motivator, and together with his/her personality, conviction, goals and motivational techniques are essential for the development of success and behaviors of the players.
Motivation plays a fundamental role in the learning of skills in sports practice, and therefore, it is necessary for a good coach to develop a philosophy that allows him to grow in his profession. The decision of a coach is very important since one of the main objectives is to help and make others grow. Therefore, the coach has to know himself/herself and establish a series of objectives to achieve a constant path.
ICI coaching courses will allow those passionate about the world of tennis and training, to develop the personal qualities necessary to get to be at the top; Discipline, dedication, desire to work, interest in individuals, honesty, dignity, and respect. In addition, to learn technical and practical knowledge, ability to plan a good training and communication skills. The importance of professional training is of great significance for the future of tennis in all aspects. Due to the evolution of recent years, the role that a coach must play requires constant development, preparation, and training adequately.
What better than having the opportunity to be part of the ICI, International Coaches Courses, a methodology based on the ES Academy system, which prepares coaches to develop their profession in high-performance tennis.
During the ICI Coaching courses a coach learns from the initiation level of players all the way to the elite level of players with our 4 pillars of the game:
- During the initiation level, what players focus on more is placing themselves on the court, meaning working a lot on the technical pillar to carry out a task. During this stage, the coach has to be enthusiastic with the player, he/she has to show the players how to place themselves on the court by following the chain of drills from the Spanish tennis teaching method to be able to know how to hold the racket, hit it with the proper movement, hit it on the adequate impact point and go through enough repetitions to create the correct habit. During this stage, the physical also is key by giving importance to the movement around the court, how to place yourself at the correct spot to hit the ball, and how to recover and accelerate after every shot. The coach will learn how to manage the practice time to use the 4 pillars for this stage.
- During the formation level, we advance to focus more on the tactical pillar in the player’s mind to organize and develop by working on life balls from the Spanish tennis teaching system to help the player rally with other players to understand the patterns of play. During this time, the player will also work in more advanced drills that will help him/her receive the ball, hit the ball at the correct point to place it wherever he/she desires, and other drills that work on the technical part of his/her game. The strengths and weaknesses of the player will start to appear involving the mental pillar as a tool for the player. The coach will learn how to manage the practice time and the court time to use each one of the 4 pillars.
- During the advanced level, the combination of the 4 pillars has to help the player become the best version of himself/herself. During this stage, the player is already into competition matches, and he/she has learned the love and hate vocabulary concepts of the game. This stage is crucial to be able to escalate or move backward on the pyramid of development of the player. The player, at a young age, thanks to the Spanish tennis teaching system set of drills will learn how to use his/her strengths and improve his/her weaknesses to be able to win more matches and improve. The physical and mental pillars will be key in developing the player’s body to escalate to the elite level and also develop his/her brain to perform well on the court as well as off-court.
- During the elite level, the technical part of the game is either at a perfect level or with little change. The tactical part of the game will be to use the strengths of the players against other players’ weaknesses to be successful during the matches. The physical pillar is key in maintaining a healthy and strong body to keep up with all the hard work on the court and be able to recover afterward. The mental is key in this stage as it is the brain the one who will be determinant of winning the match or losing it. Traveling, environment, friendships, family, and other factors increase importance during this stage. The player has to understand how to manage all the pillars in the best way possible to become the best player in the world and be successful.
For that reason, we have developed 4 ICI coaching courses according to our pyramid of development. The courses are organized in a progressive way to be able to take all the courses in 5 days. Starting on May 27th-29th the ICI level 1 competitive coaching course takes place, followed by the ICI level 2 Pro coaching course from May 29th-31st, and lastly the ICI doubles level will be done in a daily course on June 1st. Our last course is the ICI college coaching course which will be offered in our winter edition of courses.
So coaches, come to the beautiful city of Naples in Florida to learn from our system to improve your training and get ideas to help your players in the best way you can!
More info + sign up for the courses: https://sctn2u9t.pages.infusionsoft.net
Marketing department of ES Florida
Ana Batalla & Silvia Guitart