As I was starting to write this blog about the ES Summer camp, one of the youngest campers from the little group came asking for a “Peppa Pig bandage”, of course, I said, “Here it is” After she said thank you and walked away by the hallway singing with a big smile from ear to ear. At the end of the hallway, she stopped and said: “I am going to do my cookie like a cookie monster.” That day we found that the Arts & Crafts activity for the day was cookie decorating. It is incredible how a single cookie decorating contest could determine their happiness and then I said to myself let me write about why her day was the happiest I have seen today because everyone deserves to experience her happiness.
This girl is with the campito group a younger group who are beginners at tennis and play with orange or red balls. Their summer camp starts at 8 am and can go up until the full day at 2:30 pm. To start her day, she played one hour of fitness games to start activating her body, followed by a 10-minute break rest to apply sunscreen inside the kid’s room. After fitness, the group does one hour of tennis drills to improve their game, and in between they have a yummy snack of goldfish crackers. During the second tennis hour, they play tennis games to practice what was learned, on that day she had played jailbreak, fruit cup, and rallied back and forth with her friends from camp. Then it was time for lunch, at her lunch break she had pasta with chicken strips, after she picked up her area, she had some time to do a free coloring time before the group would do their arts and crafts of the day and the pre-academy group go to their match play session. It was then that she realized the old bandage that she brought from home had fallen so that’s when she went to the coach and asked for one.
Once she got back, she did her cookie monster and ate it. After her group ate their creative cookie monster, they started to prepare all their staff for pool time. During pool time she took a watermelon-shaped floatie and played with her friends a game of the imaginary boat. A game where the floaties were the boats, the pool noodles were their swords, and the water balloons were the bombs to help protect the imaginary kingdom. Then the dad came to pick her up, signed at the checked-out, and took her home. Little by little all the campers took their rackets and their bags from the kids’ room and left home. But they knew that camp wasn’t over because tomorrow was going to be Friday and what happens on Fridays? Friday is fun day which means in tennis they get to play more games and show their best game, in crafts they get to do hand-painted prints and bring a craft home and at the pool, they have a campito party with water balloons. Last but not least at the goodbye time they have an awards ceremony with a diploma and a t-shirt because of all of their big accomplishments during their week of camp!
9 weeks of camp 9 weeks of fun with every day new learnings with the tennis, new friends, new arts & crafts, and new experiences to live at the ES Camp.
The ES Team,
ES Marketing department